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You can download a free read-only version of NTFS for Windows 98 at and a free read-only version of NTFSDOS Professional at You can purchase the full read/write versions of both tools at Winternals Software,

You might not know it, but there is a disk editor utility for Windows NT in the style of the venerable Norton Disk Edit for DOS. What's more, the utility understands FAT and NTFS and it's free. Microsoft apparently shipped DiskEdit accidentally, a tool that must be an internal debugging tool for their file systems teams, on the Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 4 CD. DiskEdit has a peculiar interface that would take a small manual to document, but I'm going to get you started with a simple walkthrough. I'll focus on using DiskEdit to unravel the NTFS file system format, since DiskEdit is the only publicly available tool I know of that understands NTFS.

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The size of the executable doesn't necessarily indicate how much lowmemory you need free to run it. I've seen MS-DOS executables that wereover a megabyte in size.Try using a CONFIG.SYS like this:DEVICE=HIMEM.SYSDEVICE=EMM386.EXE NOEMSDOS=HIGH,UMBMake sure your AUTOEXEC.BAT doesn't load anything that would eat memory.If you're booting off floppy you'll need to copy HIMEM.SYS and EMM386.EXEto the floppy. If you're booting of a hard disk you'll need to put thefull path names to these files in CONFIG.SYS. If the program needs EMSmemory to run or works better with it, you can change the NOEMS to RAM inthe example above. You can also try the adding HIGHSCAN to the EMM386this will cause it look harder for upper memory areas to use, althoughit can cause crashes.Ross Ridge-- l/ // Ross Ridge -- The Great HTMU[oo][oo] rridge/ db //

I don't have any older version of diskedit (at least not on any harddrives that are not in storage). I don't even know if I've ever useddiskedit before (never really had any reason).But recently I did have a reason. For those that are aware of thepartition or volume boot records on FAT32 hard drives, the boot recordsconsist of 3 sectors. There is a byte (or word?) in the first sectorthat's supposed to point to the address of the second sector. Normallythis should just be set to 1 (to indicate the very next sector). Butwhat I've found is that programs like Western Digital Data Lifeguardthat are used to prepare / format WD hard drives, that they set thatbyte to 0 for some reason. The only noticable effect of doing that isthat the first command that you perform on a volume (ie - dir, chkdsk,etc) after you boot the system is that it can take 10, 20, 30 secondsfor the command to complete and show the volume's free space. When setto 1, there is no delay. So I wanted to use diskedit to manually setthat byte to 1. But I found another program to do that. The second boot sector contains the number for the next available orfree cluster, as well as the total number of clusters in use. Withouthaving that information quickly available to it, DOS apparently mustcompute the free space as part of performing the first access to thevolume, and it keeps the result in RAM (doesn't write it back to the2'nd boot sector). All subsequent access to the volume is performedwith no delay until DOS is re-booted. I'm using WD-DLG to format some large hard drives (400 gb to 1.5 tb)SATA drives using FAT32 but using custom cluster size (ie - 32 gb volumewith 4kb cluster size). Microsoft crippled in that it alwaysscales up the cluster size as the size of the volume goes up in order toprevent the total number of clusters from exceeding 4.177 million, usingsome bullshit excuse that DOS scandisk.exe can't scan a volume with morethan 4.177 million clusters. I think that's true - only if you don'tboot with himem.sys and/or have a system with less than maybe 64 mb ofram. If you have at least 512 mb of ram, I've found that scandisk canhandle a volume with at least up to 120 million clusters (a 500 gb driveformatted as a single volume using 4kb cluster size).There are indications that is supposed to have a /Z: commandline parameter to specify the custer size, but I've never found anyversion of that supports it.

I ran across Ben Cadieux's WDe some time ago. It worked for me.Ben Cadieux's WDe -stuff/freedos/files/util/disk/wde/wde_v30b.zipJapheth released a modified version for Windows console/dosbox/NTVDM. I'venot used it.

There are a number of DOS programs (like ndd, wdscan, backlog, diskedit,unerase, unformat) contained as part of Norton Utilites that is part ofNorton Systemworks 2002.The Norton SystemWorks 2002 CD can be downloaded from these links: -A.ZIP -B.ZIP -C.ZIP -D.ZIPThe password to unzip each of them is "a". Each file is close to 50 mbin size.When unzipped, you'll get NSW02-1.pizNSW02-2.pizNSW02-3.pizNSW02-4.pizRename them each to .zip. They are not password protected.Create a directory (name doesn't matter) and move files 1, 2 and 3 intothat directory and unzip them into that directory. There should be noconflicts or warnings to over-write any existing files.For file 4, move it to the \SUPPORT\IE5 directory and unzip it'scontents into that directory.When you're done all that, you should have an exact copy of thedirectory structure of the NSW 2002 CD. There should be 10 files and 13folders in the root directory. 590 files, 41 folders, 207 mb.To install NSW-2002, just run setup.exe in the root.Notes:1) Before installing, you should go to add/remove programs in controlpanel and check to see if you have any Symantec or Norton productsalready there, including LiveUpdate, LiveReg, Norton AntiVirus, NortonUtilities, or Norton SystemWorks. You will probably have to remove someor most of them, and then re-boot your computer, for NSW2002 to installitself correctly. You should also make sure your PC's clock/calendar isset to the correct date.2) Once you complete step 1, perform a file-find on your system and lookfor a file called "catalog.livesubscribe" or just "catalog.*". If youfind that file (it will be in a norton or symantec directory) then itmust be deleted before you install this software.3) After installing NSW2002, let it restart your system. There areseveral settings in NAV that I turn off - like automatically check forupdates, and warn if virus def's are old. If it gives you the option ofregistering the software - don't. It's not necessary for it tofunction. 4) If you click on "Check for Updates" you will probably be told thatthere is an update to Symantec Redirector, which can be downloaded butmay not install. In any case, it's my experience that both auto andmanual updating (liveupdate button) doesn't work, and hasn't workedsince maybe 2007. But that's ok, because you can download all programupdates and virus definitions from here (Symantec Intelligent Updater): _us_canada/antivirus_definitions/norton_antivirus/static/symcdefsi32.exeThat file always contains the most recent virus definition update. Sodownload and run it as often as you want (even once a day if you'reparanoid).5) After installing NSW 2002, you'll see that NAV 2002 will accept newvirus definition files for the next 366 days. After that, theIntelligent Updater will not update the product. But that's ok, becauseall you need to do is un-install and re-install NSW 2002 to get anotheryear's worth of functionality (so don't delete these files once youdownload them! Keep them on your hard drive or burn them to a CD). Onething to remember is that after uninstalling it, you will need to deletethe file "catalog.livesubscribe" in order to re-install and re-activateit for another year.6) If you have a large hard drive and/or if you've got a FAT-32 volumewith more than the usual 4 million clusters (perhaps a SATA or USBdrive), Norton Disk Doctor and Norton Speed disk are compatible withvolumes with up to 6.3 million clusters, but not more without using thecommand-line parameter /NOLBA. When using this parameter, the upperlimit for NDD and SD is somewhere between 7.8 and 31 million clusters. The switch /NOLBA forces NDD and SD to skip the drive configurationcheck. This can also be done with a registry entry by adding a DWORDregistry value named NOLBACHECK at this location:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Symantec\Norton UtilitiesWhen this option is set to 1, Norton Disk Doctor and Speed Disk skip thedrive configuration check.5) BTW, NAV 2002 runs fine on Win-2K and XP (sp1, 2 and 3).Norton SystemWorks 2002 CD includes: - Norton CleanSweep 2002 - Norton AntiVirus 2002 - Norton Utilities 2002 - Roxio GoBack 3.0 - FastSafe (Fast & Safe Cleanup) - Symantec Process Viewer - Norton Rescue Disk version 15.0 - Microsoft Internet Explorer version 5.50.4134.600Enjoy

Boot the machine using an MS-DOS floppy that was created from a systemthat has win-98 on it (I assume you know how to open a DOS window fromWin-98 and enter the command "format a: /s" ?Copy fdisk.exe and to the floppy and then take the floppy toyour ancient laptop and boot the laptop from it. Run fdisk and see iffdisk can identify the partition or volume that you want to re-format asFAT32, and tell fdisk to delete the volume. Then reboot from thefloppy, run fdisk again, and tell fdisk to create a new FAT32 volumeusing the space freed up by the previous delete operation. Then rebootagain, and this time format your new volume using A faster way to do all this is to remove the drive from the laptop andconnect it as a slave to another windows system (could be a win-XP orwin-98 system) and perform these operations on the drive while it'sconnected as a slave. When you have your FAT32 volume on the drive,copy the contents of the win-98 installation CD to the drive beforere-installing the drive into the laptop. If you do that, the install ofwin-98 will be much faster when you run it from the hard drive.


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