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Opposite Sex Friendship Boundaries


Sometimes, opposite sex friendships are difficult because they are constantly being tested by attraction. For example, a man and a woman who are friends may find themselves attracted to each other. If they act on these feelings, the friendship will likely be ruined.

opposite sex friendship boundaries

Additionally, sexual attraction is often a problem between male and female friends. Sometimes friends with sexual tension can remain platonic, but sometimes it leads to conflict or even the end of the friendship. [Read: How to handle sexual tension between friends like a platonic pro]

It can be difficult to maintain a platonic friendship when there is sexual tension, but it is not impossible. If both friends are committed to keeping the friendship platonic, then they can usually find a way to make it work.

However, if either friend starts to develop romantic feelings, then the friendship will likely come to an end. In either case, it is important to communicate openly with each other about how you are feeling.

This is definitely one of the rules of opposite gender friendships you should keep at the forefront of your mind at all times, if you want your friendship to last. [Read: What makes a good friend and the art of honing your friendship skills]

If you have boundaries within your friendship, you establish them and communicate them to one another. One of the main rules of opposite gender friendships is that you communicate and talk things through. Your friendship will flourish if you do this.

Are you intentionally avoiding falling for someone else because you enjoy the time you spend with your opposite gender friend? Why would you hide your feelings for someone else from your friend, unless you want your friend to like you back?

Talk to your spouse about practical ways you can protect and prioritize your marriage. And if you need help and want to learn more about boundaries with the opposite sex, watch our video BOUNDARIES WITH THE OPPOSITE SEX.

Boundaries are dividing lines that create limits and awareness. In marriage, boundaries may appear restrictive, but they actually promote protection, security and clarity. One of the best ways to show your partner you love and avoid painful consequences is to respect and honor the boundaries set in the marriage.

When healthy boundaries are working, they feel natural and effortless. The more you communicate with your spouse about your needs, the more these healthy boundaries will emerge. Examples of healthy boundaries within a marriage include:

The first issue to be aware of is that there is often the potential for more than a friendship. There are conceivable circumstances under which a friendship could exist with absolutely no sexual attraction or sexual compatibility. In a case like this, having a friendship with someone of the opposite gender presents no problem at all.[1] An example of this is little old ladies from church. You can go to her house for the afternoon, chat, share personal stories, have a cup of tea, pet her cat, and nothing is ever going to happen.

The guiding principle in setting up boundaries is to prioritize your marriage. You have to preserve your relationship with your spouse above all friendships. You want to protect your marriage but also to think specifically about protecting the trust between you.[5] The balance is key since we all need to have friends; our spouse cannot be the entire extent of our social network. And all of us will have some friends of the opposite sex whom we need to be friendly to. But we need to do that without putting our marriage at risk.

Thirdly, build shared social networks with your spouse.[13] Try to find people where you can be friends as a couple with another couple. So, the friendship and sharing of life and the companionship that develops exists between you as couples, and the strongest bonds or sense of connection is between the two guys and the two women in this context.

Most of us need more friendships, not less. And more connection, not less. We just really want to encourage you to build that first of all with your spouse, then with same-sex friends. Thirdly, to do so carefully, thoughtfully and with boundaries towards members of the opposite sex.

God wants us to have friends. He wants us to be in relationship with one another. And I believe that can include opposite-sex friendships. But those friendships should come with some pretty important stipulations.

Twice in our marriage, Erin has come to me with concerns about my friendships with female co-workers (neither of whom worked at Focus on the Family, by the way). And frankly, I responded defensively both times.

Eventually, we were able to sit down and really talk about the issue. I put aside my defensiveness and was able to sincerely hear what Erin was telling me. From that conversation, I was able to talk about having some good, strong boundaries with women at work.

Invite your opposite-sex friend to dinner, along with his or her spouse or a guest. Go to baseball games together. Instead of nurturing a friendship with a woman or man outside of your marriage, better to befriend a couple, where you can all get together to share life and companionship.

With engaging stories and clear, simple language, pastor Kevin Thompson shows how to live out three distinct roles in marraige. Using solid biblical principles, he helps you and your spouse grow your friendship, be supportive partners through the good times and the bad, and develop a healthy and satisfying sex life.

What if spouse loves the attention of other women ? What if after hanging out in their offices @work or with them @work events he uses porn to act out + gets angry @wife for not wanting porn in their martiage. What if he agreed to go to several counselors but dismissed their advice , because he knows more than they do. +does not want to have boundaries w/ women or change his habits that are escalating his anger ?

Me and my wife talked to each one and I have said to her that if, this Friend of her will again do said actions, I will confront him in that moment in a calm manner so that he will know his boundaries are.By doing this, is it just fine to do it? though we are co-workers?

How do i let her know I feel that boundaries are being crossed? In most other eyes, is this not a red flag? I read constantly about marriage building articles, and this was a major flag is when a friend spends more regular time with your spouse that it leads to emotional attachment via sharing about personal lives, etc.

This post was very triggering for me. My husband and I have been together 18 years. I was only 17 when we met and we worked together. It started as innocent flirting and slowly built into a relationship. This is probably why I feel uneasy about opposite sex relationships in work. It is so easy for them to start as friendships and slowly move into more sometimes before the people involved even realize it.

As people marry later in life, many are bringing long-term opposite-sex friendships into their marriage relationship. While the friendships were great during singlehood, in marriage, it can be hard to know if these opposite-sex friends are ok.

An informal survey shows that both married men and women were uncomfortable with their spouse having close friendships with the opposite sex. Not all opposite-sex friendships are dangerous, but it is important to err on the side of caution. It is helpful to discuss the nature of your friendship on a regular basis with your spouse. If not kept in check, a totally innocent relationship could end up causing unnecessary harm to your marriage.

In my recent post I talked about the advantages of single people having good friends of the opposite sex. I believe both men and women can benefit from having such friends and it can set you up for a better future marriage.

This can be a very individualized answer. In some cases keeping those friends is fine, if your spouse is comfortable with it. In other cases, you may need to leave them behind completely and in other cases you may need to put some distance between you. This actually applies not only to opposite sex friends but sometimes to friends of the same gender.

A true friend should naturally respect and understand boundaries. You should set boundaries in the areas of communication, social media interaction, the amount of time spent together, and physical touch If that opposite sex friend does not respect that boundary, then view that as a sign that this friendship may not be a healthy one. A great series of books that goes into more detail about setting healthy boundaries written by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend. Remember that no one has ever regretted being overly cautious but many people have regretted being overly trusting. Use wisdom when assessing your opposite sex friendships and never sacrifice your relationship for a friendship.

In addition to developing new platonic relationships, it is also important to understand how to keep the ones you have now healthy and strong. Some ways to do this include being supportive, maintaining boundaries, and practicing honesty.

Harmelen A-L van, Kievit RA, Ioannidis K, et al. Adolescent friendships predict later resilient functioning across psychosocial domains in a healthy community cohort. Psycholog Med. 2017;47(13):2312-2322.

Gone are the days when male-female friendships cause headlines and raised eyebrows. Opposite gender friendship boundaries have become all the more important because this kind of relationship has become more common in society! And while we personally are big fans of guy-girl friendships, there have been a lot of cases when they have brought about complication or confusion for one or both parties.

In this blog post, we will share some tips on how to establish opposite gender friendship boundaries. Setting boundaries for platonic friendships (even more particularly for Christian guy-girl friendships!) is important to make sure that we keep them healthy, purposeful and thriving!

Take the proactive route and decide that you will not fall into that trap! Admit to yourselves and to each other that you are but HUMAN, and that without taking caution, there is a possibility of risking your feelings and your friendship! Agree that you need to have opposite sex friendship boundaries. 2ff7e9595c


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