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Stick Fight: The Game Trainer: Local & online multiplayer trainer with cheating prevention[^1^]


This guide may appear to much like every other guide that came before, however, I intend to make this guide much better than what is usually provided. Better in that it's more coherent, that it's more visually digestible and tends to provide more use to someone who's new. One guide of note is "Stick Fight: The Comprehensive Guide" however, while it's mostly comprehensive, it's not very coherent. Not coherent in that it's visually noisy and that new players would easily get lost in the amount of numbers and stats. It wasn't designed with that in mind, it was meant to be like something more like a database, but I want to get that across. Anyways, I intend for this guide to get new players familiar with the game, and recent players better at it, although my guide is summarizing, so I'll source other guides if they go particularly deep into a subject. Lastly, this guide isn't perfect either, I'm doing my best. enjoyChangeAs you play Stick Fight, or SF for short, you will improve. It isn't overnight, it takes months of daily grinding and realizations to become a better player. But effort isn't skill, effort makes skill. I won't tell necessarily tell you 'the' answer, since there is no one answer, however I'll steer you in the direction that worked for me and provide key information, but you build your own playstyle, not me.OptionsBefore one plays the game, they need to decide which Options they want, press 'esc' to bring up the "Menu Panel."Default Options (approx.)Master Volume: 100SFX Volume: 100Music Volume: 100Resolution: 2560x1600Framerate: 60Fullscreen: onVsync: offAnti Aliasing: onScreen Shake: 0My OptionsMaster Volume: 100SFX Volume: 40Music Volume: 0Resolution: 2560x1600Framerate: 60Fullscreen: onVsync: onAnti Aliasing: onScreen Shake: 0When it comes to Options, it's really up to what the operating system can handle and perform well on as well as your personal preferences. My ancient macOS can manage max res on 60 fps, so it should be fine for whatever you happen to use. Most of my friends and peers use higher than 60fps so consider doing so if you wish. I listen to music sometimes, so having in-game music interferes as well as high SFX volume. To deal with the prevalent lag, I strongly suggest you activate V-Sync. Basically it decreases fps when the fps exceeds the monitor refresh rate, decreasing desynchronization and improving the quality of your experience. Anti-Aliasing is on since it smooths edges and makes things look infinitely better when doing so. Screen shake is a feature for those who want to 'feel' the battle (or an epilepsy) either way you're feeling something.Keybindings'Config.' just means a set of keybindings, a 'configuration,' but you can set your keybindings to anything outside of my example configs.Default ControlsUp: W UpArrowDown: S DownArrowLeft: A LeftArrowRight: D RightArrowAttack: LeftButton CBlock: RightButton VThrow: F BConfig.1 Controls (For 'wasd')Up: W UpArrowDown: S DownArrowLeft: A LeftArrowRight: D RightArrowAttack: LeftButton CBlock: RightButton VThrow: E BConfig.2 Controls (For 'asdf')Up: A UpArrowDown: S DownArrowLeft: D LeftArrowRight: F RightArrowAttack: LeftButton CBlock: RightButton VThrow: E BConfig.3 Controls (Better Offense)Up: W UpArrowDown: S DownArrowLeft: A LeftArrowRight: D RightArrowAttack: LeftButton CBlock: RightButton VThrow: RightButton BConfig.4 Controls (Better Movement)Up: W UpArrowDown: S DownArrowLeft: A LeftArrowRight: D RightArrowAttack: LeftButton CBlock: LeftButton VThrow: E BConfig.5 Controls (Windows Specific)Up: W UpArrowDown: S DownArrowLeft: A LeftArrowRight: D RightArrowAttack: LeftButton CBlock: RightButton VThrow: MiddleButton B(on macOS, you can't set 'Throw' to'MiddleButton' but I've seen people use it,so -perhaps- it's supported for Windows, idk)Your keybindings are usually dependent on previous habits formed by other games, or a preference in key position. Decide on your personal keybindings based on what -feels- right to you.MatchesLocal Match"[...] When you start the game and it says "Press every button to join" - player 1 need[s] to press any button on the keyboard to join and player 2 needs to press any button on the controller to join. Then one player must kill the other and the match will start." - Beth(If I'm correct, there's extra stuff in the Local Matches that's not in the public/private ones, but idk for sure)Quick MatchWalk towards the gap in the wall with text that says 'Online.' Keep walking until you pass through the opening, there will be two boxes on the other side. One of which is called 'Quick Match.' Hop into the box. If you wait for a short moment, the flaps fold over you and a white circle appears, it's now trying to find a public match to connect to. If it does, the box will fly up, and you will see a match being played. You usually aren't spawned in immediately, your character will be off screen until the current match ends. Although, you may join a match still in the hosting lobby. But, if it can't connect it sends you to the quick match lobby, the difference is the text in the background and that you don't have host privileges.Host MatchIf you jump into the box with the name 'Host Match', it too closes its flaps and flies up. It spawns you into a match being hosted from your device and gives you host privileges. As a participant, if you bring up the 'Menu Panel' and try to change the 'Game Options', you'll notice locks over certain settings. As host, you can determine what weapons, maps, and health are set to, hence the name.Public Match vs. Private MatchWhen you enter any lobby, except the local one which is defaulted to private, you will see a lever. If you push this lever to the left, the match is private, and if to the right, then the match is public. If you send a remote play invite to your friend, if the game doesn't bug out due to connection issues, they can join the match at any point (whether in the lobby or otherwise). If you can't connect to the 'Friend Network' then host a match, set it private, and tell your friend(s) to go to your profile. They may see a green button that says 'Join Game'. If they're in the game, it may bug out when they join, but it works after a few tries.TechniqueA general toolkit of movement, defense, and offense to build your play style off of. Obviously quite a few more techniques exist, but getting the fundamentals down first is best.MovementHeightened ManeuveringAttack upwards, notice that your player goes slightly off the ground? Run sideways and repeatedly block in the direction you're headed, notice a slight boost? Spamming attack and block allows your player to reach areas otherwise impossible before. This is the basic principle behind this game's form of 'sprinting' and 'long distance jumping.' Although it simply increases player velocity and momentum, hence its name. This technique is about 20 - 30% faster than walking.Slow FallA permutation of sprinting where you spam upwards to fall slower.Fast FallHolding the associated downward movement key forces your player to fall faster.Wall BounceA wall bounce is just as useful as sprinting, for it can reverse your direction whilst increasing your speed by 75%. You can also use props and vertical terrain to: run forwards, run back slightly, and bounce off for a boost of speed. Alternately it can be used to escape or stall an attacker.Single Wall ClimbIn using the energy of a single wall bounce, you can then bounce off the wall repeatedly, although this is somewhat slow. The reason being is that you are having to use energy to go against the changed direction, decreasing climb speed.Double Wall ClimbThe energy of a wall bounce is best utilized in following the new direction, and since it reverses your initial direction, having two walls means you can bounce between them rapidly back and forth. Note that it is best to aim more up then out when performing this action.Recoil JumpCertain weapons have ridiculous recoils such as: Sawed Off, Military Shotgun, Snake Shotgun, Minigun, and sometimes Deagle. Aiming such a weapon downwards, results in a boost in the opposite direction the gun is aimed. Snake Minigun is barely enough to hover, so it's not really much of a 'jump' or even 'jolt' but still can resist gravity. Deagle's on the list since its quickdraw ability is sufficient to resist gravity. This jump-type is widely used and barely latency dependent.Improved ManeuveringIn blocking and punching up and sideways, you get the best of both ends. Punching and blocking sideways adds about 27% more velocity than just walking, and about 42% more velocity (about 3x higher) than just jumping. Thus if you use two vectors and take the resultant's ascending angle, you get about 19 - 23º above your head as optimal. Furthermore, in doing this, you increase your air time, thus conserving your momentum, since the ground has a higher friction than the air. When I say angle, I mean the angle formed by an imaginary horizontal and vertical line from the head. The ray in between the two lines has the 21º angle above the horizontal line, and is formed between the cursor the player's head. This technique is about 20 - 30% faster than heightened maneuvering when sprinting and about equal otherwise. Widely used technique and an optimization never mentioned.Advanced ManeuveringThe longer you can stay in the air the better, with this in mind, perform improved maneuvering whilst jumping. This technique is 10 - 20% faster than improved maneuvering, 30 - 60% faster than heightened maneuvering, 60 - 200% faster than walking. Hence why we spam, it makes you go ridiculously fast. Now 200% faster means 3x it's speed since faster implies it's already 100% (same speed) plus some extra percent, so it's pretty quick.(Also note that a wall bounce accelerates you faster than a punch / block combo does. So it too can be quite advantageous when used consistently in a match)DefenseAttack / Bullet Deflection (Block)Block is one of those parts of the game that -most- people never seem to master. Although, perhaps it's a lack of understanding as to how it works. One does not simply click spontaneously to block something, rather they must wait. When spamming block (for movement sake) the shield size shrinks. However, it regains its size when unused for about 3 to 5 seconds. It may be that when your shield is white, it is capable of blocking, but otherwise, it is incapable. If an opponent runs at you, wait for them to get within range, then click (or press) and hold briefly, about 200 to 400 ms. Holding the block for the entire duration increases the likelihood that you blocked them. If you did manage to block them, it will make a distinct sound and immobilize your opponent. With bullets, blocking them can range from easy to difficult. It depends on the distance, bullet speed, and latency. The slower the bullet, the closer you can be to block it and the latency tolerance to do so widens. The faster the bullet, the farther you have to be to block it and the latency tolerance to do so shortens. You want as little ping as possible, with a large shield, preferably against fists or kicks, held for a short while if you want to block effectively, but remember, it takes a while to just be decent at it.Thrown Weapon Deflection (Deflect)Yes, this exists, although it's heavily latency dependent and assumes you have a weapon. Under certain circumstances, you can throw your weapon to knock a thrown weapon off course and some powerful bullets can also deflect thrown weapons, although it's not guaranteed. When the latency is even slightly too much, this stunt is nearly impossible, since latency makes the true position and heading of the weapon only approximate, and you'll need all the accuracy and precision you can get to deflect it enough.Weaponless Thrown Weapon Deflection (Weapon Neutralization)Essentially, you jump over the thrown weapon, then fast fall directly above it. There is a noticeable chance that some limb will be hit and take damage, so keep this in mind. While this technique is latency dependent it's better than nothing (and gives you their weapon).Bullet Cancellation (Gun Shield)This needs a weapon of considerable size, like an RPG, Spear, Snake Launcher, Flying Snake, Minigun, Snake Minigun, and probably a few others. Fast fall, and stay down onto some surface, preferably a corner, and prop up the weapon like a 1-sided tent. The bullets get deliciously consumed by the hitbox. Luckily, latency plays much less into this technique.Attack Cancellation (Gun Absorption)Beyond making a oddly hungry tent, attacks are usually cancelled in that they hit the weapon and not its user even without a setup. This technique is weakly connected to latency and works in most cases. Much like 'Bullet Cancellation,' latency is of much less concern. So like, attacking the gun usually just gets absorbed, but, say, getting underneath or above, are weak points.Weaponless Attack Cancellation (Fist Block)When you're in a heated fist fight but can't seem to get hits in, this is behind that. You and your opponent are punching towards each other, as a result, most attacks are cancelled out. However, if they ran away, you could attack their back, and since they aren't actively resisting, it will usually damage them. Like most defensive techniques, this too is quite latency dependent, but it's also cps (clicks per second) dependent. Delays in a fist fight create pauses from either player's perspective that allow damage to not be cancelled, so someone will eventually take damage. Cps and the time you can sustain it are also vital, you want a cps higher than that of your opponents, and the ability to keep that cps for long fights, at the very least it will help in overcoming your opponent.(There is no known weaponless bullet -cancellation- defensive technique that I am aware of. There's a deflection one, but I'm not sure if there's a cancellation one...)OffensePunching / Kicking (Attacking)A weaponless attack that kills your opponent in 5 hits on 100hp. It's usually latency dependent, but helps to get a player suited for a quick kill with a weapon. If you hit them twice, a thrown weapon will one shot them no matter where it hits.Shooting, Body ShotRequires a weapon, kills your opponent in a wide range of hit counts. Not very latency dependent, but effective depending.Shooting, Head ShotRequires a weapon, and tends to kill your opponent with haste. Not very latency dependent, but does require high accuracy and precision to pull off consistently.Throwing, Body TossRegardless of which weapon, it kills in 2 hits on 100 hp. Rather latency dependent and somewhat difficult at first, but relatively easy to master.Throwing, Head TossRegardless of which weapon, it kills in 1 hit on 100 hp. Very latency dependent, quite difficult to pull off consistently, and hard to master.Thrown Weapon Wall Bounce (Weapon Bounce)Most well known as a sword that bounces off the side void walls into someone's face, this attack deflects thrown objects as to hit what would be unreachable targets. Although, it works with all weapons if the bounce distance is minimal and the overall trajectory is short. A weapon must conserve its energy if you want it to still do damage, swords and spears do this best hence they are most commonly associated with this technique.QuickdrawingA bug in the game, affecting certain weapons like Revolver, M1, and Deagle. Just before you grab (and for all time it's in your hand) spam the attack associated key rapidly at or faster than about 7 cps (clicks per second). The higher the cps, the more likely quickdraw is to work, although high fps (like 240 fps) may increase the minimum required cps to get this to work. So fps and latency dependent, although some amount a latency actually increases the chance quickdraw works.ReloadingAlso a bug in the game. All weapons, except God Pistol, have a limited amount of ammo until they break. However, a thrown weapon has it's ammo reset, so throwing a weapon below you or into a corner and picking it up reloads it.ConcealmentThis too is a bug. Hold block, then grab a weapon (still holding block). To you, it's clearly in your hand, to your enemy, they only see your shield active. This technique is not latency dependent and is best combined with throwing.Wall Clipping, BulletsCertain guns apply to this technique such as: Laser Rifle, AK47, Revolver, Spike Ball, Bouncer, Grenade Launcher, Snake Shotgun, Uzi (maybe), and probably a few more. The idea is that you put the nozzle of said weapon flush against a ground tile, box, or prop as to allow bullets, explosives, or snakes to pass through. For a revolver to perform this, you'll need to run into a wall or box with a revolver in-hand. Keep running into the wall and throw the gun, now prepare to quickdraw the gun as it's cool-down to be picked up again shortens. As you quickdraw, the gun is noticeable inside said object, allowing its bullets to pass through.Wall Clipping, Melee WeaponsWith enough force, shoving a sword or spear into an obstacle will have one end poke through to the other side. Much like with a revolver, you attack facing into the object to poke through it, but the pokes alone can burrow through without throwing the weapon. Sometimes, if you were to throw it and if the obstacle was thin enough, the weapon would pass through the wall and hit the opponent. The technique's not all that latency dependent, and only assumes you have a melee weapon.Wall Clipping, PlayerImagine the Recoil Jump from before, now aim it in the opposite direction as to fling into a 'Long Crate' or any sufficiently thin piece of terrain. This is latency dependent as in it needs some amount of ping to work. It will end up phasing your player through the wall. If a player shoots you with a 'Laser Rifle' much the same affect occurs.StrategyIt's the composition and combination of moves that brings about ridiculous skill, however, the moves alone won't save you, you need a context dependent and adaptable strategy. Note that you create your own personal strategy, but having certain knowledge allows you to exploit what you have to beat your opponents.Priorities1) Your HP2) Opponent HP3) Preventing Opponent(s) From Getting Weapons / Setting Traps.You may ask as to why the priorities are like this, I'll explain... your hp matters most because maintaining your hp makes damaging situations winnable. If you see most "good" players always going for weapons, it's because weapons are a more effective way to neutralize opponents, and thus win. Also in 'killing' opponents, you protect your future self from being belittled with damage. Preventing opponents from getting weapons is the lowest one, since its not the most immediately urgent, despite this, maintaining a 'monopoly' on weapons makes it very difficult to kill you, but with distractions and mental manipulations they may fool you into moving away from this area.PredictionWeapon PositionIf a weapon falls on the left side, then it is likely that the next weapon will fall on the right and vice versa.Player BehaviorThe player's behavior can be generalized, however skill levels change the method used to handle them. Most of your opponents will be inexperienced, but Steam friending better players will tendto improve both your and their play styles. Even better, joining the 'CSF' (a public Discord group btw) allows you to fight various opponents of different skill levels when a tournament comes around. Anyways, most new players are usually related to the following: remarkably slow movement, overly aggressive or cowardly nature, unawareness of key game mechanics (like Throwing or Head Shots), low cps (clicks per second) rate, poor reflexes, and thus poor aim, proneness to experiencing or inducing latency / bugging out, and vulnerable to being frustrated.Here are some ways to improve: to improve your movement, use the movement techniques provided or play around with the game yourself and find some of the weirder / oddly specific ones (like sliding on Factory9). To improve your planning, try to change according to the context like fooling players or preventing access to weapons. Being too aggressive or cowardly can get you killed since it decreases your hp too much to engage in fights or gives time for other players to get weapons. To improve your knowledge, read the rest of this guide. To improve your cps, learn how to jitter click. To improve your aim, play consistently, even if it's boring, since you'll slowly adapt to the feel of the game. To improve your game's quality, check out my guide over latency and bugs. To improve your self, be chill, considerate, and a bit aloof, just remember, it's a game.(Providing a strategy for every map, even if you cut corners a bit, is too much information to keep track of. Now mind you, those who've played the game for hundreds if not thousands of hours memorize them, but new players are well... new. -And custom maps make individual map strats a bit less useful)EnvironmentTerrainTerrain is best used to prevent damage from opponents. Try to stay behind something when you don't have a weapon and an opponent does as to be out of their weapon's line of sight with the purpose of not taking unnecessary damage. In this time, you can stall them until a weapon falls from the sky. You can also use certain movement techniques to yeet across the terrain as the opponents try to chase you. This keeps your health safe, and thus it satisfies the first priority.BushesBushes are usually used to hide players. You can hide in a bush in the beginning of a match, ensuring they can't see any part of you, as to ambush in their moment of confusion when they stand seemingly alone, after all have perished. However, they can be used to hide small weapons that you can pull out when they think they have the advantage for a surprise mowdown or 'throwdown.' This keeps your health safe and allows for potential opponent damage, and thus it satisfies the first and second priorities.TreesTrees are basically vertical bushes, however, they are -usually- too thin for stashing weapons to be practical. So, this only really keeps your health safe, and thus it satisfies the first priority.SpikesBesides being very pointy and oddly useful for kabobs, spikes are vital to a strategy. You can block an enemy to then punch them and create a reverse boost to toss them into a pit of spikes, walls of spikes, or the like. This allows for potential opponent damage, and thus it satisfies the second priority.Breakable ChainsBreakable chains are usually connected to unbreakable, movable platforms. Chain breaking is best when you break everyone else's since it removes their ability to stall and gain weapons. Best stated as waving goodbye to them as the dramatically attempt to slow fall into the abyss since you removed their platforms--also muahaha. This meets all priorities due to using the void and level context (as in maps with breakable chains are usually open straight to the void).Spike BallsLarge, swinging, flat colored, sharp circles of death, spike balls are pivotal for gaining height, and thus weapons. They're connected to unbreakable chains that can be walked on, thus you can prevent attacks and gain easy access to weapons. You need to jump quite high to reach the bottom part of chain, but it's relatively easy to master. This keeps your health safe and allows for quick access to weapons, and thus it satisfies the first and third priorities.LavaMuch like with spikes, forcing someone to jump, and then immobilizing them above lava is effective for kills. However, it's not insta-kill like spikes, rather it takes 4 hits to kill on 100hp. Best served with corn chips. This allows for potential opponent damage, and thus it satisfies the second priority.SnakesIf you haven't noticed the trend, if it causes damage, force your enemy into it. Although, if a player is recoil jumping with a Snake Shotgun into space, or if snakes are falling in general, you can punch them to gain height. User warning, snakes will viciously and brutally nibble you, unless you're a snake whisperer, do not attempt to pet the snakes. This keeps you from dying to the void or allows for potential opponent damage, and thus it satisfies the first or second priority depending.Laser PlatformsIf you trick your enemy into shooing a laser platform, on your screen, it doesn't move, on there's, it lasers them in the face after swinging back. This allows for potential opponent damage, and thus it satisfies the second priority.IceIce can cause damage, or at least its fragments can. Ice blocks can break apart when a sufficient force is applied, not just weapon dependent. Try to get your enemy to walk over them, or even shoot ice blocks over and nearby to trap them in a frosty death pit (aka. an igloo). If they're stalling for a weapon and you have a snake shotgun, shoot the nozzle close to the ice to burrow snakes into it. When they inevitably get a gun and try to shoot you, they get snaked. Also good to hide inside when you wall clip within it. This keeps your health safe or allows for potential opponent damage, and thus it satisfies the first or second priority depending.Crates (Boxes)Crates can be pushed off into the void as to cause a mass imbalance and the inevitable collapse of the larger structure. You can also sometimes collapse a part of said structure on top of you for protection, however wall clipping bullets makes using this both awesome if you have a gun and a death sentence if you don't. If you happen to have a time bubble gun, shoot the small crates, it will generate bugged boxes in all levels after and thus a way to increase your height and thus faster access to weapons. This keeps your health safe or allows for opponent disorientation / death to the void, and thus it satisfies the first or second priority depending.Hinge StepsA limited version of a moveable platform. With the level context, you can trap players within by pushing down on the hinge. Overall it's really a terrain type, and thus has the associate priority satisfactions. This keeps your health safe or prevents opponents from gaining weapons or setting traps and it satisfies the first and third priorities.Explosive BarrelsNot a guaranteed insta-kill, but deadly. Explosive barrels are best used by kicking your opponent in and slowly walking away as the background explodes. These take a moment to explode, kind of like tnt. Also like tnt, the damage taken increases the closer you are to the explosion. Try trapping your opponents underneath a few barrels to make a combusting death pit (aka. explosive igloo). This allows for potential opponent damage, and thus satisfies the second priority.Breakable PlatformsDepending on the variant of platform, try making a large gap between you and your opponents. This makes only weapon jumps viable, and even still, it's a battle of conservation of each platform at that point. This keeps your health safe, and thus it satisfies the first priority.TreadmillsIf you want to exercise your stick limbs, use our Stick-Run, Ultra Deluxe, Black Stained, Single-Mode, Spinny Device Thing to get those legs movin'! Best used when you run ahead of an opponent to then run with the treadmill right into them to get some hits in. This this allows for potential opponent damage, and thus it satisfies the first priority.Moving PlatformsIt's like moving terrain, but when they form a hook shape, you can kick some into it so they go straight in the void (and sometimes a laser depending). IN being like terrain it can keep your health safe and allow for potential opponent damage, and thus satisfies the first and second priorities.Boss PumpkinsThese give you a ridiculous amount of health and increases the chance your opponents will die, and thus it satisfies the first and second priorities.Map BoundaryIn between what you can see of the map and the void lies a region that's much like a... bush. Hiding at the edge cloaks your presence and is effective for sudden ambushes. This keeps your health safe, and thus it satisfies the first priority.The VoidAn insta-killing nothingness and, much like spikes, lava, ice fragments, and snakes, follows the trend of a deadly thing you trick your opponents into, thus it satisfies both the first and second priorities.LatencyA random condition that technically is 'part' of a match. It's usually a disadvantage, but sometimes aligns to satisfy all priorities. Since the latency allows you to weapons much easier, makes harming you difficult, and makes harming opponents easy.Match Corruption (Bugs)These give certain traits like void immunity, invulnerability, invisibility, etc. and thus it satisfies all priorities. However it's kinda lowbrow to exploit bugs.Game OptionsMap DesignationMaps are grouped in a series like: Forest or Halloween.Each map has a number associated with it's designation in said series like: Forest1 or Halloween7.Map and Series TogglingClick on the map name to toggle its inclusion.Click on the series name to toggle its inclusion.Random OrderNear the top left, there's text for 'Random Order,' this just deviates from the usual ordering of completing maps from left to right and series from top to bottom to that of randomness.CustomLocal and CustomOnlineCustomLocal is the series including all saved maps you've made.CustomOnline is the series including all saved maps you've downloaded online.Weapon DesignationWeapons are grouped in a few series, like 'Explosives' or 'Snake'The series tells you about the characteristics of the weapons: like '[Snake] Launcher' or Spike BallSnake weapons have a naming anomaly, where it's like 'Gun,' it's really just '[Snake] Gun.'Weapon SpawnBasically the spawn rate of weapons, click the text to the right of the name, and click the white arrows to change the frequency.Auto PickupWeapons are grabbed automatically to begin with, however, this feature will grab another weapon even if you're already holding one. Note that replacing a weapon in this way gives it an upward boost, hence you can juggle in this game.HPThe allotted hp given to all players, although there are bugs that can override this. Note that there's no health bar, you just mentally approximate enemy and personal hp.Regenerate HPOver time the players slowly regain hp when active.ChatThis feature allows chats from both you and other players to be allowed (on) or undisplayed (off). If it's on, you can bring up a pre-chat box by pressing 'return' or 'enter' where you type your message to then submit it out using the same key to create a temporary chat box above your player. You can close the pre-chat box by pressing 'esc' although the text inserted beforehand is not saved. Lastly, the chat box can be bugged to be stuck or set to an other another, separate body.Display PingIf you see "- [some number] ms" on your name when playing, that's the ping, the measure of latency in milliseconds. If not, the width of the name makes it such that the extra text exceeds the max width, so it's not fully shown.Show WinsDisplays the win count of each player in the corners until a player leaves, where it's reset, or is bugged, where it can be displayed as negative or reset.EditorToolsA bar consisting of all the items used to make maps.GroundUnlike all other tiles, you click and drag to make ground tiles.Player SpawnIf you see four squares each with a different color, those are the positions where the corresponding color will spawn. You can click and drag these around to change where the player will spawn.MuteIf you've seen a green volume button on the left hand side, all it does is mute or unmute SFX when you play the map. I am unsure if this carries over into actually -playing- the map in a match, but that's what it does.InfoInfo shows you all the keybindings for everything related to the Editor. The Editor Keybindings of the most importance are to left click to select, right click to delete placed props, 'esc' to delete brush (pre-placed props), and 'scroll' to change the map zoom (and thus its size).Mirror PosPlaces one prop where you left click when active, and places a tile reflected over the vertical midline when off. Toggle by clicking the associated text in the editor.Mirror RotKeeps tiles facing in the same direction when on, and inverts them when off. Toggle by clicking the associated text in the editor.SnapSnap basically allows for precise positioning onto a grid semi-influenced by other tiles.Series ArchetypesIn the bottom middle, you'll see some text, the default is 'Forest,' you can click the white arrows to cycle through various series. All that changes is the ground tile texture and the background, but it's vital for the aesthetic of a map.Map NameJust click the box and type a name in, this name will carry over into saves and uploads of the map. When uploaded, you can still change the name of the map by going into "Edit Title & Description" on the steam page associated with the map upload, however the saved version you have will be independent of this name change.ClearDeletes everything, including the map name, from a map except player spawn positions and the series archetype. But, there's an assurance pop-up, so don't worry if you accidentally click it.AutosaveA safety feature with four settings: 1m, 5m, 10m, off. It sends you a pop-up much like save does every time it autosaves.SaveThis needs a name to work, but if a name is given to the map, it will be entered into the load section. If the name isn't distinct a pop-up states if you want to overwrite the other map with the same name.LoadAll maps in the load section correspond to all maps in the CustomLocal section in Game Options. If you click 'Load' a list appears, each with an 'X' to the far left, clicking the 'X' brings up a pop-up as to if you want to delete said map. If you confirm, this map will be removed from the CustomLocal series. On a related note, you can remove CustomOnline maps by unsubscribing from them via it's associated steam page(s).UploadWhen you click this, a pop-up comes up as to if you want to go to the Steam page, just where the map is located on Steam. All maps' visibilities are defaulted to hidden, so only you, admins, or other contributors can see it. If your account is not a 'limited account', you can click "Change Visibility" and click "Public" if you want it to be released to the public. On another note, if you see some amber text above, it's just checking if your submission is generally appropriate, it does this with all community submissions so no need to worry.PlayThis hides the editor and spawns you in from where ever yellow spawns. It's sort-of like playing the real thing but there are some slightly different textures and bugs.Map DesignWhether your style is to randomly place ground tiles or to be methodical with an idea in mind, I listed a few important, general guidelines that apply when creating quality maps. Try to have multiple, discrete routes for players to take, try to smooth rough edges by placing multiple ground tiles into each other, depending on the idea, try having some amount of symmetry, take into account players with different skill levels and priorities, don't punish the player for menial tasks unless that's the idea, use various props like ice blocks, boxes, snake barrels, treadmills, explosive barrels, and laser platforms, try to be detailed, like making fake tables and chairs as background props, try to be aware of which weapons you use and if certain player(s) gain an advantage because of this, try to cleverly use the tools you have to say, make a box recycler, or an elevator, but most important of all, remember that a good map is infinitely better than a perfect one, and that the advice is just guidelines and not rules.Artwork DesignCreate something compelling yet standardized. Record important data like the head width, body width, and the hex codes for each color you use (look it up). Also keep in mind joints, natural poses, and depth details like shrinking and expanding eyes according to the head's relative rotation. Much like the majority of things, a good piece of artwork will stand the test of time. -Striving- for perfection is fine, but don't overburden yourself trying to create perfect content because you -will- burnout, always keep your creations at an arm's length. Think of it as a fire on a pile of kindling slowly fed, either you burn fast and fizzle out just the same, or you burn moderately, consistently. Perfection isn't sustainable and leads to frustration, that's why making something 'good' is better. P.S. You can design your art however you want, but this is just some advice as to how to make it succeed without over-burdening you.Final WordsBe dedicated yet distant, don't value winning, value your own improvement, grind and train constantly to refine your abilities, understand mechanics; examine and experiment with things to learn more about them, be humble yet accepting of one's actual ability, be skeptical yet open, treat everyone with respect, even if you don't like them, remember that you are no protagonist, remember that losing just tells you what too improve, if you were actually paying attention, however, latency, even if somewhat small, connects directly into one's performance, be forgiving yet bold, remember that most strange things are just flaws in the game design or connectivity, and not an organized onslaught of hackers, don't try too much and overburden yourself at the cost of your own happiness, don't try to be someone else, and lastly be the change you want to see in the world. To be a consistent Stick Fight player requires a certain personality. You may play this game and get bored, but that's okay.My path to improvement was really long one, and it wasn't an epic tale either. When I first played, I looked to the community guides to see what was there, but there was nothing that gave me any actual clarity or a semblance of ease to the learning curve, just some 'cool' facts and tips and memes. I must reemphasize, this guide gives players the -basic- details to this game, I challenge you to make guides that go into the details that I haven't included and to make them ridiculously good.Perhaps, I, like many others, are like kilonovae in an unfeeling void, perhaps our effort fades into the abyss to be forgotten forever, but perhaps it's better to try than to do nothing.Sincerely,Kaitahuri

Stick Fight The Game Cheats


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